
coisas simples 110



imagem simples:

Automóvel estacionado junto a graffiti, numa rua de Braga, na manhã de 25 de Outubro de 2013. Nota: o primeiro elemento da lista, "Deus", encontra-se rasurado e ao lado foi escrito "Tony Carreira", levando a supor numa substituição posterior dos elementos da listagem.

[foto: canon powershot s100]


excerto simples:

"Driving was a major social easer for Dave Wallace. Normal conversational requirements - listening while thinking, while watching face- and body-language, while processing these sometimes undermining messages (your voice says that you're interested, your face says that you're bored), while also wondering about one's own mixed messages of interest, boredom, politeness, contempt - could be a burden. Talking was easier when driving because both parties, seated, safety-belted, were positioned to stare out at the same relaxing blankness of the highway. The highway, saving eye contact, made interaction bearable when Dave's nerves began to fray. His mood improved on drives at two AM with girlfriends to the beaches north of Boston or west to Walden Pond, and oasis in the suburbs now, where we would go swimming in the deep and spring-fed pond. Walden's water tastes the way a sidewalk smells just before it rains. The water is very hard and excellent for swimming, like velvet drawn across the skin. Dave would roll his tan corduroys up and wade like Alfred Prufock and worry, just a little, about snapping turtles. But he was happy; you could hear it. He felt good."

[excerto de prefácio de Mark Costello, na 2.ª edição de: David Foster Wallace e Mark Costello, Signifying rappers, ed. Back Bay Books, 2013, p.xv-xvi (edição original: 1990)]

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